Using the telephone to set appointments for preneed sales remains the most effective and successful way to reach families. As we work with counselors to increase their sales, being confident and effective over the phone continues to be an area most struggle with. One of most rewarding part of doing training is when we get feedback from an agent who becomes successful in using the telephone and it equates in a rise in their income! The last time KJPlanning conducted training for phone skills with a group of agents, we received such positive feedback that it is worth posting a few tips. For the most part, overcoming the fear of objections and practice, practice, practice results in increased success.
The first step in being successful in making phone calls, is to DO IT! If calling perspective families is the least favorite part of your duties, maybe you should do it first thing in the morning. Waiting for “later” usually ends up as “never” as distractions happen throughout the day. Another tip is making calls at least one night a week for the families you are unable to reach during the daytime.
We have a list of the most common objections that every agent who calls families for preplanning appointments will encounter. You can overcome these common phrases such as “I have insurance”, “I need to talk to my children” or even “I’m not interested” by having a script of answers ready. Effective written scripts are available that will help you have a confident and successful conversation. Most individuals you call will have an initial response that should not be received by the agent as an objection. Acknowledge the feelings and have a positive response ready. Taking the time to record and critique your phone conversations is the quickest way to assess what you are doing well, and where your skills need work.
Another important tip for actually being successful at getting the family to come in and talk to you is diligence. Research states that it takes an average of four to six attempts to set an appointment, yet most give up after one or two tries. Remember that a “no” often means “not now”. Like many things in our adult lives we know are important to do, discussing funeral plans can be easily put off. It usually takes several encouraging nudges to get someone to preplan, but they are almost always relieved once it is done. If your phone calls are not resulting in appointments set, please contact KJPlanning. We can meet and work on implementing some of the tips mentioned above.